Star of david shema israel Lucky charm Jewish modern Necklace Judaica Kabbalah

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This necklace has the "Shema Israel" blessing on it with the Jewish prayer inscribed on it in Hebrew which means "Hear, Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One". The pendant uses an abbreviated and "modest" form of the prayer in order to allow it to be worn anywhere.

The Star of David, called Magen David (Shield of David) in Hebrew, has been a religious symbol for thousands of years. It has been in use since at least the fourth century of the Common Era. It is the symbol that has come to represent the Jewish people and Judaism

It has traditionally been considered a potent way for warding off evil.This blessing is a great way to feel lucky! This is an attractive Necklace that is also quite powerful and a pleasure to have with you always or to give as a special gift.

Kabala belief explains that the two triangles, interlocked in opposite directions, represent the contradictions in man; good vs. evil, spiritual vs. physical, and so forth. The upward point triangle symbolizes man's good deeds, which is directly towards to heaven. In turn, it activates a flow of goodness that comes back down to earth, and is depicted by the downward pointing triangle.

This package includes:
* Jewish Necklace pendant
* Length of Necklace - 42 cm / 16.53 inch
* Pendant size: width /hight - 1 CM / 3.7 CM