Luxurious designed handy Cardboard for Friday Night & Shabbat Morning Kiddush

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Handy cardboard with entire Kiddush text in Hebrew, beautiful gift from Israel. The text of the blessing comes with a special sheet containing also its translation as well as the transcription of the Hebrew text.

The table should be set with both challahs on the table, covered on top and below (e.g. a challah cover on top, and the challah board below). You should use a special kiddush cup but if you don't have a kiddush cup, any cup many be used, as long as it holds 4 1/2 ounces and is not disposable. Any kosher wine or grape juice can be used. The one making kiddush should have in mind to include the others in the blessings; thus kiddush is being made on their behalf. Likewise, those present should have in mind the same. Those being included in kiddush should be sure to answer "Amen" after the blessing of the wine ("borei peri ha-gafen"), and after the concluding blessing that follows.

Kiddush is one of the central rituals of Shabbat. It’s a blessing said over a cup of wine every Friday night and Saturday morning before the traditional Shabbat meals. Reciting Kiddush is a fulfillment of the Biblical command to “remember the day of Shabbat and keep it holy.” The verses and blessings that we recite in Kiddush proclaim the holiness of Shabbat, and trace it back to God’s creation of the world.

Product Features:
* 1 Luxurious Cardboard for Friday Night & Shabbat
* Height of silver frame - 18.5 * 13 Cm / 7.28 * 5.12 inch