Shema Israel Leather Like Necklace prayer for the road protected Shiviti INSIDE

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This necklace has the "Shema Israel" blessing on it with the Jewish prayer inscribed on it in Hebrew which means "Hear, Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One". The pendant uses an abbreviated and "modest" form of the prayer in order to allow it to be worn anywhere.

The power of its symbolism remained intact through the centuries and to this day it is still a very popular good-luck charm, used throughout the Mediterranean world. The Hamsa (Arabic meaning "Five") is an ancient hand-shaped symbol of protection originating in the Middle East, predating Judaism, Christianity and Islam

This powerful Shaviti , often called a menorah, is written in the shape of the menorah and serves to remind us constantly of the sovereignty of G-d. There are many mitzvot whose intention is to remind a person of his ultimate goal in life. These include the Shema, the mezuzah and tzitzit.

This package includes:
* Leather Like Necklace
* Length of Necklace - 42 cm / 16.53 inch
* Pendant Size : 4.5 CM
* Shiviti card inside and road bless outside