Jewish Religious Items
According to the Talmud, Shabbat is equal to all the other commandments. Shabbat is so central to Jewish life that the term Shomer Shabbat (Shabbat observer) is considered synonymous with “religious Jew”. Shabbat is also one of the 10 Commandments that G‑d transmitted at Sinai several weeks after the Exodus.
A Shabbat Candle holder can be an ideal gift idea and since the lighting of the Shabbat candles is a very auspicious time many women take care to give Tzedakah right before lighting which is stored in a Tzedakah box and used for charitable purposes. An additional advice to feel what Shabbat is about is to attend Shabbat services on Friday night and Shabbat morning. The small Tallit or Tallit kattan is worn by children from the age of 3 on whereas the large Tallit or Tallit gadol is worn during prayers, depending on one’s ancestry custom, from the age of 13 or from the time one gets married on. Some find it more comfortable to use Tallit clips with their Tallit.
When men come home from Synagogue, Shabbat is celebrated with a festive meal. The bread is covered with a Challah cover and Kiddush is said over a cup of vine. Before eating bread all the people participating in the meal wash hands with a special hand washing cup, then we sit at the table to say Hamotzi on the bread and to begin the meal. On Shabbat we have three meals and a fourth meal (escorting the queen) after Havdalah.