Jewish Judaica LUCKY Blue EYE Beades Hamsa Hand Charm Pendant Bangle Bracelet

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"Lucky Eye" Stretch Bracelet with Beads Against the Evil Eye and Hamsa Fatima Hand Pendants, The eye-charm is considered to be effective in warding off the influence of envious gazing

Often Jews may use the Hebrew expression "bli ayin hara" (no evil eye) when they speak about their good fortune in an attempt to avoid its wrath against their good luck.

Hamsa "Lucky" Bracelet Against the Evil Eye

It is believed that the envious glare of onlookers, even without any ill intentions, can cause divine repercussions. it could be considered helpful to wear or display such an amulet from a totally practical point of view - simply to consistently remind oneself of our own fragility and weaknesses, and to help us reflect this realization in our day to day thoughts, speech and actions.

Product Features:
One Size Fits All - Stretch Bracelet with Blue Lucky Eye Beads and Hmsa hand Amulet Pendants.