Bridegroom Clear GLASS wedding marriage ceremony MAZAL TOV huppah Jewish canopy

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With marriage, two halves are reuniting and now it is clear that the separation brought us closer than we would otherwise have been. Our coming together is something we had to achieve and choose, and therefore it is appreciated.

The breaking of the glass reminds us of the shattering of very own temple, our soul. Before we were born, we and our soulmate were one, a single soul.

Then, even the shattering deserves the blessing of “Mazel Tov” and in a similar way we will be more able to appreciate the building of the Temple after nearly 2000 years of efforts to hasten redemption.

Therefore we break a glass under the chupah and immediately say the congratulatory wish of “Mazel Tov!” Because now, in retrospect, even the splitting of souls is reason to be joyous, for it gave our connection the possibility for real depth and meaning.

This package includes:
Bridegroom Clear GLASS wedding ceremony
* Size of Kiddush Cup - 10 cm