"LUCKY" WHOLESALE LOT 8 M Sky String for Kabbalah Wrap Bracelet Jewelry

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Hand made Sky string bracelet for success, good luck and protection from the Evil Eye.

According to the Kabalistic tradition, by tying a red string around his or her wrist, the wearer gains protection from the destructive powers of the Evil Eye, thus preventing disease, poverty, accidents or other misfortune from befalling the wearer.

It is believed that the envious glare of onlookers, even without any ill intentions, can cause divine repercussions. It could also be considered helpful to wear or display such an amulet from a totally practical point of view - simply to consistently remind us of our own fragility and weaknesses, and to help us reflect this realization in our day to day thoughts, speech and actions.

8 Meters Sky String for Charm Bracelets or Kabbalah Wraps

Product Features:
* 1 Package of Sky string
* Length of String - 8 meters / 8.74 yards