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The Talmud tells us that the mother of Rabbi Nachman ben Yitzchak heard from the stargazers that her son was destined to be robber. To avert this from happening, she became very insistent that young Nachman always wear a head covering.
Today, for the Jewish man, the Kippa is a way of publicly identifying as a Jew as well as a constant reminder that the Creator is with him aware of everything he is doing.Another word for Kippa is Yarmulke, which means "awe of the King [G-d]" (ירא מלכא) in Aramaic. This practice is codified in the Shulchan Aruch as an obligation at the time of prayer, and as something that one "should do" at other times.
Rabbi Yoshua ben Levi says that it is forbidden for a Jew to walk six feet in the extreme upright position since G-d's glory fills the entire world. Rabbi Huna the son of Rabbi Yoshua extends on Rabbi Yoshua's teaching and says that he would not walk six feet without his head being covered since the Divine Presence is above him.
However, only when one desires to mention the name of G-d is one obligated to cover his head. In our days different kinds of Kippas are available and you can find a variety of them in our assortment.
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