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Jewish wedding
For the bride and the groom the wedding day is considered a day of forgiveness like Yom Kippur and some couples traditionally fast on this day and only eat after the wedding ceremony.Before the chupah ceremony the keubah is signed by the husband and two witnesses. The ketubah is a Jewish prenuptial agreement that outlines the groom's responsibilities to his bride. In some communities it is read to the guests during the ceremony.
Also before the wedding the groom covers the bride’s face with a veil and the bride’s face remains veiled for the duration of the chuppah ceremony. The chuppah or canopy is often made of a tallit. The bride traditionally circles around her groom either three or seven times under the chuppah. When the wedding ceremony takes place, the groom says, while putting the ring on her finger: "With this ring, you are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel."
The ceremony is concluded with the Seven Blessings – Sheva Brachot which begin with the blessing over a coup of vine.At this point the souls of the groom and the bride reunite to become one soul, as they were before they entered this world. The Sheva Brachot contain the blessing to the bride and groom that they shall discover that same delight in one another that they knew in their pristine, primal state in the Garden of Eden. As the ceremony comes to an end the groom is invited to step on a glass to shatter it after what the present guests wish the couple good luck by shouting “Mazal Tov”.
After the ceremony it is customary for the bride and the groom to share their first meal together as husband and wife during the yichud and to exchange gifts. While in the yichud room, it is also customary for the bride to bless the groom. She says: "May you merit to have a long life, and to unite with me in love from now until eternity. May I merit to dwell with you forever."
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