Evil eye Pendant Necklace lucky charm blessing and success spiritual ornament

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The "Protecting eye," is believed to be a way of averting and getting protection from the evil eye. It is believed that, in general, it could be a way of summoning assistance from the, "Hand of G-d."

The power of its symbolism remained intact through the centuries and to this day it is still a very popular good-luck charm, used throughout the Mediterranean world. The Hamsa (Arabic meaning "Five") is an ancient hand-shaped symbol of protection originating in the Middle East, predating Judaism, Christianity and Islam

It gives us confidence and strengthens our relationships. It gives us the perpetual desire to be successful and triumph.

It is a way of averting and getting protection from the evil eye. It is believed that, in general, it could be a way of summoning assistance from the, "Hand of G-d."

This package includes:
* Evil eye Pendant Necklace
* Length of Necklace - 42 cm / 16.53 inch
* Size pendant: 2 CM