Chai Black Braided String Bracelet Lucky Charm Pendant karma Jewish soul Jewelry

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It could be considered helpful to wear or display such an amulet from a totally practical point of view - simply to consistently remind oneself of our own fragility and weaknesses, and to help us reflect this realization in our day to day thoughts, speech and actions.

This pendant pictures the Hebrew word "Chai" meaning 'living', with the two Hebrew letters Chet and Yod attached to each other.Judaism is very focused around life, and the word "chai" has great significance

Chai Black Braided String Bracelet Lucky Charm for Success and Good Luck

This is a comforting item that is also quite attractive, and a pleasure to have with you always or to give as a special judaica gift.

Product Features:
Chai Black String Bracelet
* Length of Bracelet 18 CM