This necklace has the "Shema Israel" blessing on it with the Jewish prayer inscribed on it in Hebrew which means "Hear, Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One". The pendant uses an abbreviated and "modest" form of the prayer in order to allow it to be worn anywhere.
It is a way of averting and getting protection from the evil eye. It is believed that, in general, it could be a way of summoning assistance from the, "Hand of G-d."

The power of its symbolism remained intact through the centuries and to this day it is still a very popular good-luck charm, used throughout the Mediterranean world. The Hamsa (Arabic meaning "Five") is an ancient hand-shaped symbol of protection originating in the Middle East, predating Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Product Features:
* 1 Silver sterling 925 Bless Shema Prayer necklace
* Length of Necklace - 45 cm
* Pendant Size: 2 cm